Hired transport


Wheelchair access

There are a number of providers on the list that offer wheelchair accessible vehicles. However, it is best that you consult with them directly to ensure that your specific access needs can be catered for.

Guide Dog Owners

Under the Equality Act 2010, guide dog owners are legally allowed access to taxi and minicabs. A driver must carry a disabled person and their dog without any extra charge for the dog. The dog must also be allowed to remain with the owner while in the vehicle. The only exception to refuse a guide dog is that of medical exemption and this must be applied for and granted and in place in order to justify a refusal.

If a taxi or minicab refuses to take you and has no medical exemption in place, then the driver will in incur a fine and face the possibility of losing their taxi licence.

If a driver has refused to take you on the grounds of your guide dog, then you need to contact the Hull City Council on 01482 300 300 and ask for licencing

East Hull Community Transport

East Hull Community Transport is a community led charity that supplies passenger transport for individuals and community groups. Their aim is to provide a safe, reliable and accessible transport service for the local community.