Do you know of anyone who lives within the Hull boundary, is in need as the result or a physical or mental disability, or because of being 65 or over?

Would a small grant help them buy equipment and services to meet that need?

You can apply below to see if the Frances and Cyril Bibby Trust could help contribute to their costs.

The Trust's Trustees consider each application at their quarterly meetings held in -

  • September
  • December
  • March
  • June

The Frances and Cyril Bibby Request makes grants to people who live within the Hull boundary only.


To complete this form, you will need to upload some or all of the following -

  • if you are an individual, provide proof of your age or disability
  • in the case of a disability, this should be in the form of a letter from -
    • the NHS
    • a caseworker
    • a caring agency
  • if you are an organisation, provide supporting documentation about your work in the Hull community
  • include a quote of how the money will be spent. More than one quote if you are buying equipment

Frances and Cyril Bibby request (opens in a new window)